16-16 Jun 2021 Gif sur Yvette (France)

Overview and program

The workshop of the RTE Chair (https://rtechair.fr/) at CentraleSupélec intends to be a forum of presentations and discussions on the topics related to the “The Digital Transformation of Electricity Networks”. Its program outlines the main research topics of the Chair and offers the opportunity for internal and external contributors to present their research results and foster new collaborations. This edition will host several talks related to the European Project CPS4EU (https://cps4eu.eu/)

Format: The workshop will run in a hybrid format. We welcome all the participants that can join us in-person in the Amphi E.093 of the Bouygues building in CentraleSupélec, according to the sanitary precautions this critical period requires. For the online participation (via Teams), please follow the link: workshop connection

Registration: The workshop is free but registration is mandatory in order to allow both the enforcement of the sanitary precautions for the participants and online access for the remote connections. Please send an email to sorin.olaru@centralesupelec.fr with your full name and affiliation. 


Part I: Overview of the research programs of the RTE Chair at CentraleSupélec

8:30 Opening address by RTE representatives

8:45 Security of Energy Transmission Networks

  • Antoine Girard -  news of the research project and a presentation on

"Data-Driven Modeling of the Temporal Evolution of Breakers' States in the French Electrical Transmission Grid"

9:15 Control algorithms for congestion management and energy storage

  • Sorin Olaru -  news of the research project
  • Phuong Nguyen and Jean Maeght (RTE) - “How To Integrate Batteries Into The Transmission Network And Managing Congestion Effectively?”
  • Alessio Iovine - ''Power Congestion Management of a sub-Transmission Area Power Network" (CPS4EU)

10:15 Distributed signal processing

  • Michel Kieffer -  news of the research project
  • Corentin Presvôts - "Compression de signaux électriques à l'aide d'une approche multi-modèles"

10:30 Payoff-oriented communications for the energy transmission networks

  • Samson Lasaulce -  news of the research project


Part II: Short presentations (morning)

11:00 Balthazar Donon - "Deep Statistical Solvers"

11:10 Noureddine Henka - "Power Grid Segmentation for Power system control application"

11:20 Guillaume Ganet-Lepage - "A simulation and optimization framework for sub-Transmission Area Power Network"

11:30 Trung-Duc Hoang - "Scenario-based MPC for the congestion management" (CPS4EU)

11:40 Hung Pham - "Optimization-based control for the energy management of DC microgrids" (CPS4EU)

11:50 Nouha Dkhili - "On the smart management of power grids in the era of distributed generation" (CPS4EU)

12:00 Antoine Rit, Clément Cuchet - "Analysis of modeling frameworks of energy transmission networks for optimization-based decision-making perspective"

12:10 Joseph Brisson, Jean-Baptiste Reymann, Camille Roche - "Identification of an ARX model for estimating electricity consumption from frequency measurements"

Part III: Invited talks (afternoon)

14:30 Andreas Ulbig (RWTH Aachen, Germany) - "Digitalization Trends in Distribution Grids – Grid Transparency and Big Data Analytics as Enabler for more cost-efficiency and improved RES integration"

15:15 Saverio Bologniani (ETH Zurich) - "A Unified Control Framework for Real-time Power System Operation (UNICORN)"

16:00 Sylvie Evelyne Koziel (KTH, Sweden) - “How can data support asset management decisions and the transformation of electricity networks?”

16:30 Matteo Tacchi (LAAS Toulouse) - "Lasserre hierarchy for MPI set inner approximation"


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